Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So many hotel choices!

When planning your trip I think one of the biggest decisions is where to stay.  I know for me I did so much research on Disney property hotels and hotels near Disney.  We considered the Hilton near Downtown Disney (we'd stayed there before).  We considered The Nickelodeon hotel because of the themed rooms and pool area.  And we almost stayed at The Doubletree hotel (again Hilton which we like) knowing it had been recently remodeled. 

But after reviewing we saw a hotel near Disney that was similar to Doubletree or Embassy Suites but for much less.  We stayed at the Buena Vista Suites for 89.00/night.  The rooms were similar to Embassy Suites but much smaller.  The breakfast was included in the morning, but on a much smaller scale than Embassy Suites.  Overall it was fine.  It was clean, and close to the parks and another plus is that there was no resort fee or parking fee. 

We planned on being there for 4 nights and then heading over to Disney's Beach Club Resort for 3 nights.  We wanted to splurge a little on this vacation and experience another Disney hotel we had never stayed at.  I called Disney to make sure a family of 5 could stay comfortably in this room.  I saw the pool with the sandy bottom and they had a small refrigerator in the room and we were sold!  Plus it was within walking distance to EPCOT, and they offered movies and bon fires on the the beach at night.  How amazing is that?  So out of the blue one night while we were at the first hotel, my husband says, let's call and see if we can stay one more night at the Beach Club and leave here a day earlier.  WOOHOO!  You don't have to ask me twice. 

It all worked out and the kids were thrilled.  We liked the Buena Vista Suites, but we LOVED The Beach Club!  And if you've ever stayed there you know why I say that. 

Another big plus for us was the fridge in the room.  Having a son with food allergies, can make it difficult sometimes to eat out.  Keeping his soy milk in the room and cereal, snacks and bagels made our mornings go faster and more convenient so we could get to the parks and do what we came to do! 

Here are just a few things to consider when deciding which hotel to stay;
1. Do they charge a resort fee or parking fee?
2. Can you comfortably fit your whole family in the room?
3.  Do they have a closet?  Sounds strange but I'm pretty sure the Disney Value resorts do not.  This can make for a crowded room.
4.  Do they include breakfast? This is important for my whole family.  They need to eat before the day begins. 
5. And of course...How much are you willing to spend? 

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